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Refashion: UD Shrug with Junky Styling


Temat: Życie codzienne

Hello, I'm Anika Sanders from Junky Styling.
This is the Junky shop.
I'm about to take you into the Junky studio
and show you a glimpse of my world.
Follow me.
Today, I'm going to show you some recycled designs
using some knitwear.
But very simple for all different levels of technical ability.
The first one I'm going to show you is…
demonstrates seeing things differently;
literally turning a cardigan on it's head
and still using the existing fastenings
so there's no trouble with buttons and button-holing
and turning it into a cute little shrug and taking the sleeves off.
So, you can do this…
you can apply this to any cardigan.
I've got a couple of different ones here
that are actually quite vile in their state as cardigans
but when turned on their head …
and this can be applied to anything, it can be applied to jackets and shirts.
When turned on its head
and the existing fastenings have been used
and also there's the element for adjustment
because you have buttons and button holes
so you could button them to different…
if you need…
if you're more blessed more than this mannequin in the chest department.
And we can apply some ruches here.
So you get the gist just on a mannequin how that could look.
The sleeves, obviously,
are in the wrong direction
so you don't want a cardigan with the arms up like that so you slice them off.
The best way to cut anything up is turn it inside out.
If I'm going to disregard these sleeves
then it's best for me to cut the sleeve side
and leave the edge still attached to the garment.
Luckily, this is the kind of garment that can be unpicked.
Ok, right, sleeves off.
You take this back to the mannequin.
Now you can see that there's quite a lot of excess material here
which you could get away with if you can't sew
or…you can put nice little tucks or darts in there
and ruche-up the shoulder and neck.
Then the key to the garment is changing where the buttons lie.
So I'm going to quickly stitch in those darts and those ruches.
A good way to mark where you're going to put your darts
for a bust
would be by turning the garment inside out
and pinching it where you need it
and pinning it or marking it with wax.
And you can do this on one side and then mirror it onto the other.
Now with knitwear, the best way to sew it is using an overlocking machine
but if you just have a domestic machine at home,
a zig-zag stitch will do.
But just for the purposes of this demonstration
I’m going to straight-stitch it.
As I said before, you can do it on one side
and then mirror it to the other.
You can tell I like to do things very quickly and by sight.
I'm going to mirror it across to the other side of the garment.
A good tip, if you put pins this way through a garment
you can sew straight over them,
if you're sewing over them at a right angle
rather than if you mark in a straight line,
you have to take them out as you sew,
which isn't so good, or you break needles.
So I'm just marking the start and finish of the dart on the other side.
And through my wealth of my experience
and the lines on my sewing machine
I can measure how deep the dart needs to be.
And this particular design isn't so much about the sewing element,
it's more about seeing things differently
and turning things on their heads
and then affecting a design through it.
The beauty of knitwear
is it can be manipulated and draped and look good even if you cant sew.
I'm just going to quickly add the ruches in the side of the neck
and when I put it on the mannequin you'll see why.
But, you could hand-stitch this bit in…
both elements that I've stitched.
It's very simple but just effective.
So I'm literally going to pinch the fabric together
and over-stitch it just to create that drape running through the back of the neck.
It's gets a bit thick so hand-stitching is always quite a good option.
If you want to get a nice effect, like that,
that's what you need to do.
I'm just going to do that on the other seam,
which when held the right way up,
are the two back seams running down the back.
Right, now back to the mannequin.
And we can see this taking a much better shape now.
So we have one side over here
and the neck can be worn…
you can see these ruches across the back of the neck.
I'm just going to pin this in place here
to show where you'll re-mark the buttonholes
and you can reattach the sleeves but because,
as I showed you before, when you turn a
upside down the sleeves are then in the wrong direction,
we just turn them round.
But we also have to account for this dart that we've taken out.
Luckily, knitwear stretches
but we would reinsert this here
and then you have your long sleeves on it.
I prefer, with my one,
to have the sleeves off
and I've just put an edge of a sweatshirt around here to seal the trim.
So you could always just pipe this
and seal it with an edge
and then rearrange the buttons
and maybe use a feature button at the top
and then it almost acts like a scarf stroke waistcoat.
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