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Google Campfire One: Apps Marketplace, Part 1


Temat: Media

>> GUNDOTRA: Well, good afternoon, everybody. Uh, welcome to another Google Campfire One.
My name is Vic Gundotra. I'm a Vice-President of Engineering at Google. And on behalf of
Google, I'd like to extend a very warm welcome to everybody that's here this evening, as
well as the much, much larger audience that happens to be watching us live stream this
event in HD for the very first time. So thank you for spending your evening with us. We
have some very exciting announcements to make this evening, some new products. I think you'll
be as excited as we are. Today's event and announcements really center around Google
Apps. And, as I'm sure most of you know, Google Apps is really a collection of our most popular
products. Things like Gmail and Calendar and Docs, all customized for your business, for
your domain. Now, while you know that, you might not realize the degree of adoption,
the momentum, that Google Apps has. In the past several years, we've grown to now having
over 2 million businesses that have gone Google. And just this weekend, we crossed our 25 millionth
user on Google Apps. And we're incredibly humbled and excited to see this level of adoption.
That adoption has occurred with all kinds of businesses, business who've chosen to move
their apps to the cloud. That includes businesses like startups, small and medium-sized businesses,
universities and schools, and even Fortune 500 companies. You know, if you look back
and you think back to when we first started with Gmail, almost half a decade ago, you
know, we were one of a handful of vendors who believed that you should run business
applications in the cloud. Um, and it's amazing what's happened in those years. Today, virtually
all kinds of applications that a business might need, from payroll to CRM to document
management--you name it--that kind of software is now available as cloud-based software.
And so we're very excited to see the world moving that way, and the momentum towards
cloud-based businesses. But there is a challenge. You know, for a minute, imagine that you're
a business that has to integrate multiple vendors who are all providing you cloud-based
services. You know, there are some challenges. Do your employees have to log in to each of
these applications separately? Do your employees have to learn different navigation across
every one of these apps? Is that data in each one of these cloud-based applications in silos?
Can you share across these things? Well, the reality is, today, those are some of the challenges
in the feedback we've been hearing from our customers. And tonight is about responding
to that feedback. Fact, let me tell you what we're announcing. We're making available,
launching tonight, the Google Apps Marketplace. Now, what is the Google Apps Marketplace?
Well, put very simply, it's a great way to discover, to find, and install applications
into your business. But not just any applications. Applications that are deeply integrated with
Google Apps, that solve the problems I just mentioned; that enable a single sign-off;
that enable different kinds of cloud-based software to share data. Applications that
integrate with the navigation, integrate with the user interface of the tools that your
employees already know and love and use every day. So that's what it means for employees
and what it means for IT professionals that have gone Google. What does it mean for developers?
Well, for developers, we think it's an equally exciting message. It's a great way for you
to build, integrate, and sell your application to the same customers that have adopted Google
Apps. And, uh, that is an installed base of more than 25 million users. And we think that's
very, very exciting. Tonight, you're gonna hear details about what's required technically
to integrate into the Apps Marketplace. Let me give you the headlines. Let me give you
the high-level bullets that you're gonna hear about. Number one, the steps to integrate
for a developer is just simply build an App. Now, we're not mandating that you have to
build on a particular platform. You don't have to use App Engine, although we'd be delighted
to see that. You may already have an existing app built on your own infrastructure, your
own tools, your own hosting environment. You're gonna see tonight that it's very easy to integrate
even that existing app into Google Apps. Now, the integration points we're gonna talk about
are over a dozen integration access points, from the most obvious that enable single sign-on
to sharing of data to integration with the user interface, and many, many APIs that will
allow you to integrate into those Google Apps. And then finally, you can sell your app in
the App Marketplace. Selling to reach those two million businesses and many millions,
25 million plus users. Now, what does Google ask in return? Well, it's actually quite simple.
First, it's a one-time fee of $100, and that covers as many apps as you want to submit
into the Apps Marketplace. And then a low 20% rev share. Remember, with that rev share,
you not only get to reach the 25 million customers, but you also get to take advantage of over
1,000 resellers who are not only gonna be able to resell Google Apps, but may in fact
be able to drive business directly to you. So we're very excited about this. And equally
as excited is--exciting is to see the number of partners who joined us tonight who are
launching with us this evening. We have over 50 partners who've integrated with Google
Apps and who are going to be part of the app store as it launches this evening. On behalf
of Google, we really want to express our deepest appreciation for these partners who've helped
make Google Apps even more valuable and even more exciting. And for those of you who are
here tonight and watching online, you're gonna see some of the fantastic integration that
these partners have been able to do. With that, let me turn it over to David Glazer,
who's a director of engineering for this effort, and have him walk you through exactly how
you implement this. David. >> GLAZER: Thank you, Vic. Ahem. So Vic told
you what we're announcing tonight, and Vic told you why we're excited about it. And what
I want to do over the next ten or so minutes is walk you through the "how." Walk you through,
as a developer, what do you do to take part in the Google Apps Marketplace. And, as Vic
said, there's three steps. Build your app, which is up to you. Many of you here in the
audience are developers. You already have built apps. Some of you may have new ideas
triggered by the opportunities that you see tonight, and you can come up with an idea
and build your own app. Your idea, your app, built your way. Number two is integrate, and
I'm gonna spend most of my time talking to you about what it takes to integrate, what
some of the integration opportunities are. And then number three is sell, and we'll walk
you through a demo of what you actually do to take the application you've built and integrate
it with Google Apps and list it into the Google Apps Marketplace. Let's start with integration.
Google Apps now has a large and growing number of extension points that are available for
you as developers to use to integrate your application with the family of Google Apps.
We'll talk about a few of these now. You'll see demos of how many of them work. This list
is growing. We'll be adding more over time. The way that you tell us what your application
does and what point of integration you want to do is you create a manifest file. It's
a simple XML file, and we're going to walk through adding a few snippets of XML into
this file, one for each point of integration that our sample app is going to use. So let's
talk about one of the points of integration that our users, our customers, have asked
for. They say, "I have a Google Apps control panel. I use that control panel to manage
my applications--to administer them, to set them up, to configure them. As I add new apps
into my family of cloud apps that I'm running my business on, I'd like the new applications
to be managed and administered and configured through the same interface. So we have provided
hooks in the Apps Marketplace to let you as developers include your app in the Google
Apps control panel. And the way you do that is very simple. You put an entry in the manifest
that says, "Hey, here's the name of my app, and here's some of the connection points that
I want to make available for management. I might have a support page, I might have a
config page, I might have an admin page." Whatever it is that you want to expose, you
tell us about it in the manifest and then your app becomes manageable through the central
management console. Well, another point of integration that Vic mentioned is universal
navigation. If you've ever used Google Apps, you notice up at the top left of the screen,
right above your mail or your calendar, there's a nav bar. That means you're a click or two
away from getting at any of the other apps in the Google Apps suite. So, as a user, I
can always find my way to whatever other application I want to use using that consistent navigation.
Well, if you have an application, you probably want it to be a part of the same navigation
model, part of the same nav bar, so your users are a click or two away from not only the
built-in Google apps, but also from your app. How do you do that? You put an entry in the
manifest. A few lines of XML, you tell us, "Here's the string that I want to have show
up in the menu, and here's the link that it should go to when somebody clicks on that
link." Pretty simple. Now, what happens after they click on the link? Well, the most important
thing is what doesn't happen. They don't have to deal with a new set of credentials. They
don't have to remember another user name and password. They don't have to enter it again.
They don't have the speed bump of dealing with yet another authentication step. How
do we do that? Well, we use the...
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