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Riga In Your Pocket - Best Beer Gardens


Temat: Podróże

It's no secret that the guys at Riga In Your Pocket enjoy a good pint now and again.
One of the best reasons actually to come to Riga is just for these beer gardens in the summer time.
And they're all over the Old Town and other parts of town. But we're going to show you some of the best in the city
and we’ll talk about the kind of beers they offer and other stuff. So, yeah, let’s go and let’s start drinking!
We're on Dome Square at a beer garden called ‘No Problem’
It's one of the biggest in Riga and it’s got great service, really good food.
and of course they've got something like 20 different beers.
A lot of them are actually Latvian micro brews, that you can’t find in other places
One of them is Valmiermuiža, which is definitely one of my favourites.
They also have live music here
and it’s great for people watching…
It’s a great beer garden. Cheers!
We are at the Blue Cow, or Zilā govs beer garden on Līvu laukums
It's got a great location, plenty of tables out in the sunshine or in the shade.
They also got flat screen TVs to watch sports. They got a full menu which also includes their specialty, which is steaks.
And they also got some good beers on tap like Užavas, which is one of my favourites.
All in all great people watching opportunities And, yeah, a good beer garden. Cheers!
We are at the Capri-Zelta fīlings beer garden In Old Riga on Līvu Square
This is definitely one of Riga’s hot spots, one of the most popular places in town to hang out.
It’s got great views, good people watching. Incredible selection of beer both foreign and domestic.
Full menu with all kinds of stuff; you can even buy cigars here.
They also have live music. They’ve also got plenty of flat screen TVs to watch sports.
They also have some local delicacies, like this pork cracklings here which
is basically an acquired taste, I guess you could say, but Latvians enjoy it anyway.
And of course plenty of local brews like Bauskas. Cheers!
We're at a beer garden in the Esplanade park and that’s a pretty good location especially on a hot summer day
There is the orthodox cathedral on the one side; statue of Rainis on the other.
There’s lots of children’s attractions like trampolines and electric cars.
It’s a pretty small beer garden by Riga standards and their beer selection isn’t the greatest.
Please! Thank you!
But they do have one excellent beer which is Užavas and it’s actually one of my favourites. Cheers!
We are at the Otto Schwarz beer garden. It’s part of the Hotel de Rome.
And it's right next to the Freedom monument so you got great views here.
Although it’s an upmarket restaurant, Otto Schwarz, They have surprisingly inexpensive food and drinks.
This beer here, which is a great beer, Lāčplēsis Zintar It’s an amber ale and it only costs 1.5 Lats.
which for Old Riga is a great price.
Great views, good location. They’ve got a full grill menu. And, yeah, that’s about it, another good beer garden to hang out in. Cheers!
Well I think that's a wrap on our beer garden tour. Obviously there's tons of beer gardens all over the city.
This is only a few that we've chosen.
It's been a lot of fun and I hope you've enjoyed the tour. We definitely have!
We have sampled a whole bunch of different beers
And, yeah, we had a really good time. So, come to Riga and have a beer on us. Cheers!
That's good stuff
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