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Pagani Huayra: Test Drive in Italy


Temat: Samochód

CHRIS HARRIS: This is the brief story of our trip to
visit Pagani and drive the Huayra.
These are crazy smash-and-grab raids, really.
Shoot what you can, live for the moment, and a part of me
exists purely for this.
CHRIS HARRIS: We just landed in Bologna.
And the baggage carousel isn't even whirring yet.
And I think there's only one plane landed.
So in fact it's right beside the terminal building.
So I'm just wondering where our bags are with 200 other
people, having just been thrown around like a rag doll
on BA 666 from Gatwick.
Pleasant way to travel, but I'm excited
because you know what?
I'm coming to Italy, coming to [INAUDIBLE]
Valley in Bologna, driving to LeMans.
That's always special.
I've not been here for a long time, largely because Ferrari
doesn't run anymore.
But that's another story.
So why is it, whenever you book a hired car, you always
book the one with a massive queue.
And then look, there's Sixt.
There's about four others down there.
Is there someone out there to check the car over before?
But there are some marks on it.
If you find other marks just contact us.
About those, don't worry.
CHRIS HARRIS: We didn't get sat nav because my credit card
would have bounced.
And being Italian, he told me that he wouldn't charge me if
there were only small scratches on the car, which
means he will charge me.
Rental car bingo-- so we don't know what we're going to get.
I ticked the box for the cheapest, cheapest car, of
course, as you do.
So I'm thinking Fiat Panda, would you reckon?
Fiat Panda?
sounds like a good shot.
Maybe we could squeeze all of our kit and that in the 500.
Where is Hertz?
There she is.
Some marks on it?
Fucking hell.
CHRIS HARRIS: He described it as some small marks, and it
needs reshelling.
CHRIS HARRIS: What else is wrong with it?
Look at this.
This is why this country's brilliant.
I just went in there and said, look, the hired car's
completely knackered, and it's got massive damage.
So I wrote, big damage.
And the guy just said, yeah, don't worry about it.
From the airport, it's a 20-minute wobble in the
shacked Fiat, then dinner with the chap who has the fastest
name in the world--
Luca Venturi, Pagani's PR man.
And wouldn't you know it, as we discussed aerodynamics and
weight distribution over steak and balsamic vinegar, test
driver Davide Testi--
a man with another very, very quick name--
pops by on his way home.
The owner of the restaurant immediately absconds from his
duties for a photo with the car.
In fact, everyone photographs this remarkable-looking
machine, including me.
And then Davide leaves as only an Italian
test driver can leave.
CHRIS HARRIS: Next morning, it's off to the Pagani factory
and an introduction from the man himself, Horacio Pagani,
who always talks about his creations with the zeal and
passion of a father displaying his newborn child.
Better still, the tall bloke to the right is Ola Kallenius,
the boss of AMG, which builds the Huayra's twin-turbo V12.
He was in town to experience the car for the first time.
OLA KALLENIUS: Zonda's good.
This is better.
But I have to look at the fine print of my contract.
CHRIS HARRIS: But there's only so much talking you can do in
the presence of a car like this.
First, you want to be on your own with it, to drink in that
shape and those incredible dished rear wheels.
And then, you have to just go and drive it.
CHRIS HARRIS: So finally, I'm driving the Huayra.
That's the first point to make.
It's called the "Why-Rah," not the "Why-Ar-Uh" or the
"Why-ee-Rah" or the "Hee-Ar-Uh." It's Huayra.
One day I'll learn to say it properly.
Mr. Pagani probably doesn't like the way I say it, but I'm
trying, OK, Horacio, I'm trying.
What do I think about this car?
Rather predictably, it's not like
anything else I've driven.
I'm now on quite a bumpy, quite open A road in Italy.
I've got quite supple suspension.
I've got a gearbox that's running in automatic mode.
And actually, even though I've got seven gears, because of
the torque on offer, I need about three gears.
This is a car that is easy to drive.
That's the first point.
It's easy to drive.
Why is it easy to drive?
Well, there's so much torque--
1,000 Newton-meters.
Get that?
That's 737 foot-pounds of torque in a car that weights
1,350 kilograms dry.
That's outrageous.
And it means that you just squeeze the throttle.
The boost builds at around 2,000 rpm, and you don't have
to think about it.
Pedal weights are quite heavy, obviously only two pedals.
But for me, one of the reasons why this car is easy to drive
is the steering.
It's very, very accurate, and it's very precise, and it's
got a good amount of feel.
And that means that you can place the car.
And these massive hypercars, you've got to be confident
that you're not just going to take the sides off to be able
to drive it properly on the road.
So that's what I've got.
I've got a car that is perfectly relaxing to drive.
It rides well enough.
The cabin is big and airy.
And whereas an Aventador is kind of up and at you and you
feel like you're stuck in between, wedged in between
great big amounts of face sheer and center console, this
is big and open.
My knee can move in front of the center console.
And of course, the quality of the cabin and the jewelry
that's going on here is just staggering.
You know that.
I'm going to have a look at that now because we need to
celebrate the details on this car.
Carbon, polished metal, and leather meet in one great,
writhing lump of loveliness.
The clock faces are illegible.
But the central readout is electronic and clear.
The wheel is nearly perfect in shape and size.
The pedals feel good.
But the stumpy gear lever is almost too
cool not to use itself.
The signature quad exhausts are in pure titanium, and the
system weighs just 12 kilograms.
Suspension is identical to the Zonda R, which lapped the ring
in six minutes and 47 seconds.
The car has around 730 horsepower from a six-liter,
twin-turbo V12 by AMG.
It's a bespoke engine for Pagani.
And it has its own internal code-- for
geeks like me, M158--
like that.
It's a massively impressive power plant.
And of course, that's the brilliance of Pagani.
Rather than going out and trying to do his own engine,
he's using something that he knows works from a company
that has kind of unprecedented skill at making massive
So the AMG power plant is crucial to this package.
Perhaps the key issue around the Huayra is the noise, or
rather lack of it, or rather presence of
turbocharged noise.
Being turbocharged, this car just cannot sound like those
amazing Zondas we had before, particularly that last R
version, which just sounded like all sorts of bad things
going wrong in the right way.
So we have turbo noise this time.
Here, I'll give you some.
Get a load of this.
CHRIS HARRIS: Interestingly, Pagani has worked hard to try
and tune that noise.
It's the first turbocharged car that I've driven that has
got deliberately tuned turbocharged noise.
And there's wastegate rattles and fizzles.
And there's lots going on.
Does it sound as good as Zonda?
It's a different noise and one that I think over time could
become quite special.
So to turn the Huayra into something that is actually not
that friendly and is a full-on supercar, hypercar experience,
there's a button here that says ESC.
You get it in sport mode, and you hold it down for 5
seconds, and you hear a little BINK.
And you look at the dashboard, and it says ESC Off.
And you get a little squiggle sign on there.
And now you're on your own.
So, second gear coming up this rather narrow
mountain pass of a road.
Front end is great.
But the performance is nuts.
Oh, yes, Ha!
Front is really good.
So we've got no understeer really, but coming out--
it's spooling up everywhere.
It's just nuts.
Steering's a bit slow for these sorts of roads.
As you can see, I have to work quite hard.
It's an animal, guys.
It's an absolute animal.
What a machine.
I mean, the fact that it's two-wheel drive as well.
So yeah, the billionaire can drive it in automatic mode.
But I'll tell you what, if you want to be a hooligan
What a machine.
I can't say too much.
I'm just going to concentrate on driving it.
God, it's fast.
Does it feel like 730 horsepower?
It feels like more to me.
When the boost comes, it's furious.
And you just hang on.
You really do.
It's fast.
It's fast.
And there's flaps going off and there's all sorts of drama
and theater.
This is just pure hypercar.
And anyone that thinks that Pagani's gone soft needs to
come and sit in this now.
Because this is power to weight ratio through two
driven wheels with--
wait for it--
no traction control.
It's a tonic.
I need to back away for a minute,
because that's so full-on.
You want to match that, you've got to buy yourself a needle
with some brown stuff in it because that is just
Is that legal?
I'm sure it is, but Jesus Christ.
730 horsepower, two wheels, no traction control.
Horacio, I salute you.
I needed time to cool my oil temperature after that.
And here's the nitty-gritty.
Yes, the steering is great.
But so is the damping with the manually adjustable Ohlins
shocks set to pretty soft.
The ceramic breaks have decent feel and earn their keep.
Pedal lift is pretty high though.
The seven-speed extract gearbox is a peach--
fast and enjoyable in manual mode, yet weighs just 96
kilograms and is mounted transversely.
The powertrain package is neater than the Zonda, so the
weight distribution is a perfect 50/50.
And as for the active aerodynamics, I didn't go fast
enough to test them.
But who cares when they look so damn cool?
When I first saw the Huayra, I wasn't entirely convinced.
Because I didn't think the styling was quite as cute as
the Zonda, and I was worried about this twin
turbocharging aspect.
Now that I've driven the car, I have to say I got it wrong.
Do you know what?
In the flesh, when you park it next to a Zonda, it just looks
more modern.
It just looks more appealing.
It just looks cleverer.
And I've never seen a car that's had so much detail
lavished on it.
It's extraordinary, truly extraordinary.
But they haven't forgotten about the driving experience.
Because this is a very clever car.
And I hadn't quite expected the breadth of talent.
You can leave all the buttons in place.
And you can leave it in automatic.
And it's entirely usable.
OK, It's not a Nissan Micra, but as long as you've got a
modicum of talent, you won't have a problem mooching around
in this car, as I explained.
But if you turn the systems off, I can't think of another
car like this--
730 BHP.
And even bigger torque figure, two-wheel drive, and
you're on your own.
It's an animal, as you can see.
I was sweating away, genuinely enjoying myself.
What is this car?
I suppose it is the definitive hypercar.
Because it's that style statement.
It's that aesthetic statement, mixed in with an unforgettable
driving experience.
Yeah, love it.
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